Install Protocol

The Install Protocol can be followed to allocate some funds inside of a StateChannel to a new AppInstance.


In order for some of the funds in the multisignature wallet to be securely considered “allocated” to some AppInstance, there must exist a DELEGATECALL transaction to some contract which defines the logic for spending it and then executes the on-chain state transition to make it happen. In particular, this contract must do the following:

  1. Get the list of funded apps. Go the ChallengeRegistry for the final outcome of the FreeBalance AppInstance to see the list of activeApps.
  2. Verify this app is funded. Check that the appInstanceIdentityHash of a particular AppInstance is in the list of activeApps.
  3. Get the outcome of the app. Go to the ChallengeRegistry for the final outcome of the AppInstance that these funds were allocated to
  4. Execute the effect. Forward this outcome to the interpreterAddress along with some interpreterParams to have that interpreter execute the on-chain state transition.

So, the commitments involved in this protocol must do two things:

  1. Execute a conditional transaction. Ensure that there is a DELEGATECALL to the above mentioned contract (i.e., the “delegate target”)
  2. Update the free balance state. Ensure that there is a signed message to update the FreeBalance AppInstance’s state to include the new appInstanceIdentityHash in the activeApps array with the right amount of funds decrement from balances.

The ConditionalTransaction

The pre-signed conditional transaction can be visually represented like this:

graph TB subgraph Interpreter interpretOutcomeAndExecuteEffect["interpretOutcomeAndExecuteEffect(outcome, params)"] end subgraph ChallengeRegistry getOutcome["getOutcome(freeBalanceAppIdentityHash)"] getOutcome2["getOutcome(appIdentityHash)"] end subgraph ConditionalTransactionDelegateTarget executeEffectOfInterpretedAppOutcome executeEffectOfInterpretedAppOutcome -->|DELEGATECALL - Pass outcome and params to interpreter| interpretOutcomeAndExecuteEffect executeEffectOfInterpretedAppOutcome -->|STATICCALL - Fetch outcome for interpreter| getOutcome2 executeEffectOfInterpretedAppOutcome -->|STATICCALL - Verify appIdentityHash in activeApps| getOutcome end subgraph Multisig execTransaction -->|DELEGATECALL - Delegate to delegate target to control funds |executeEffectOfInterpretedAppOutcome end

The digest that must be signed is the following:


    // Array of addresses of the owners of the multsig

    // Address of the ConditionalTransactionDelegateTarget.sol library

    // A value of 0 as no ETH is being sent

    // The encoded function call to the delegate target
      // The name of the method in ConditionalTransactionDelegateTarget.sol

      // Address of the global registry for on-chain challenges

      // The unique identifier of the FreeBalance AppInstance

      // The unique identifier of the AppInstance funds were allocated to

      // The address of the interpreter handling the outcome

      // Any extra data to pass to the interpreter function

    // An enum representing a DELEGATECALL

The signatures of this digest will be passed into the execTransaction method on the multisignature wallet.

The FreeBalanceSetState

The commitment to be signed to the FreeBalance AppInstance is identical to what would be signed in an Update Protocol commitment. The state update is such that the balances decrease of each participants in the balances array of their FreeBalanceApp and there is an added entry in the activeApps array.


sequenceDiagram Note over Initiating: Sign <br> ConditionalTransaction Initiating->>Responding: M1 Note over Responding: Verify then <br> sign both Responding->>Initiating: M2 Note over Initiating: Verify then sign <br> FreeBalanceSetState Initiating->>+Responding: M3 Note over Responding: Verify Responding->>Initiating: M4


First we introduce a new type which we label InstallParams.

Type: InstallParams

Field Type Description
initiatorBalanceDecrement uint256 The deposit into the AppInstance of the first party
responderBalanceDecrement uint256 The deposit into the AppInstance of the second party
initiatorDepositTokenAddress address
responderDepositTokenAddress address
participants address[] The unique participants for this AppInstance
initialState object An object representing the initial state of the AppInstance
appInterface AppInterface The definition of the interface of the AppInstance to be installed
defaultTimeout uint256 The default challenge period length for this AppInstance
interpreterAddress address The address of an interpreter that will interpret the outcome
NOTE: participants are deterministically generated based on the appSeqNo of the application in relation to the entire channel lifecycle. Specifically the key is computed as the (appSeqNo)-th derived child of an extended public key that is the unique identifier for a state channel user.

M1: Initiating signs ConditionalTransaction

Field Description
protocol "install"
multisig The address of the on-chain multisignature wallet for this StateChannel
params An InstallParams object describing the proposed app
toXpub The extended public key of the responder party
seq 1
signature Signed copy of the ConditionalTransaction digest by initiator

M2: Responder countersigns ConditionalTransaction and signs FreeBalanceSetState

Field Description
protocol "install"
multisig The address of the on-chain Alice-Bob multisignature wallet
toXpub The extended public key of the initiator party
seq -1
signature Signed copy of the ConditionalTransaction digest by responder
signature2 Signed copy of the FreeBalanceSetState digest by responder

M3: Initiator signs FreeBalanceSetState

Field Description
protocol "install"
multisig The address of the on-chain Alice-Bob multisignature wallet
params An InstallData object describing the proposed app
toXpub The extended public key of the responder party
seq -1
signature Signed copy of the FreeBalanceSetState digest by initiator