Install Virtual App Protocol

The Install Virtual App Protocol can be followed to allocate some funds inside of a StateChannel to a new AppInstance where the counterparty on the AppInstance does not have an existing on-chain multisignature wallet with funds inside of it. Instead, funds are “guaranteed” to the AppInstance via agreements on both ends of two StateChannels with an intermediary.

One way of thinking about this protocol is that it is essentially comprised of two Install Protocol executions. The first installation is between the initiator and the intermediary and the second between the intermediary and the responder. The installation produces ConditionalTransaction commitments which are signed but the distinction is that the appIdentityHash that is being pointed to is actually one where the participants are the initiator and the responder in both cases, and never the intermediary. Of course, then, the interpreter parameters that are used then become unique each installation and interpret the outcome of the “virtual app” differently. The purpose of the setup is to ensure that no matter the outcome, the intermediary will receive the same amount of funds so that they take on no risk.


As mentioned above, there are ConditionalTransaction commitments that get signed which we label as a “VirtualAppAgreement”. This agreement checks the outcome of the AppInstance being installed virtually and distributes the funds to the intermediary and the counterparty accordingly.

There is one additional commitment that is unique to this protocol, however, which is the VirtualAppSetState commitment. Since the participants of the AppInstance include the intermediary, we need a way of removing the requirement that every state must be signed by them. So, the VirtualAppSetState is exactly that; it commits on behalf of the intermediary that all state signed up until some expiryVersionNumber do not require the intermediary’s signature to be valid.


There are two digests for this commitment. The first is for the initiator and responder parties to sign:

    identityHash, // The identity hash for the virtual app
    versionNumber, // The intial version number (will be 0)
    timeout, // The timeout for this state (will be the default)
    appStateHash // The hash of the initial state

This is identical to any normal signed digest for a state update as you would see in the Update Protocol.

The second is for the intermediary to sign:

    identityHash, // The identity hash for the virtual app
    req.versionNumberExpiry, // Block up until which intermediary signature is not required
    req.timeout, // The timeout for this state (will be default)

The InstallVirtualAppParams type

Field type description
initiatorXpub xpub xpub of initiator
responderXpub xpub xpub of responder
intermediaryXpub xpub xpub of intermediary
defaultTimeout uint256 Timeout in case of challenge
appInterface AppInterface The interface of the virtual app being installed
initialState SolidityValueType The initial state of the virtual app
initiatorBalanceDecrement uint256 initiator's deposit into the installed application
responderBalanceDecrement uint256 responder's deposit into the installed application


sequenceDiagram participant A as Initiating (A) participant I as Intermediary (I) participant B as Responding (B) Note over A: Sign AB <br> VirtualAppAgreement A->>I: M1 Note over I: Sign BC <br> VirtualAppAgreement I->>B: M2 Note over B: Countersign BC <br> VirtualAppAgreement <br> & sign BC <br> FreeBalanceActivation B->>I: M3 Note over I: Countersign AB <br> VirtualAppAgreement <br> & sign AB <br> FreeBalanceActivation I->>A: M4 Note over A: Countersign AB <br> FreeBalanceActivation <br> & sign AB <br> VirtualApp SetState <br> & AIB TLPT A->>I: M5 Note over I: Countersign BC <br> FreeBalanceActivation <br> & sign AIB TLPT I->>B: M6 Note over B: Countersign AB <br> VirtualApp SetState <br> & AIB TLPT B->>I: M7 Note over I: Verify signatures I->>A: M8 Note over A: Verify signatures

M1 - Initiator signs AB VirtualAppAgreement

Field Type Description
protocol string "install-virtual-app"
params InstallVirtualAppParams
toXpub address intermediaryXpub
seq number 1
customData.signature signature Initiating signature on AB VirtualAppAgreement

M2 - Intermediary signs IB VirtualAppAgreement

Field Description
protocol "install-virtual-app"
params InstallVirtualAppParams
toXpub responderXpub
seq 2
customData.signature Intermediary signature on IB VirtualAppAgreement

M3 - Responding signs IB VirtualAppAgreement and IB FreeBalanceActivation

Field Description
protocol "install-virtual-app"
toXpub intermediaryXpub
seq -1
customData.signature Responding signature on IB VirtualAppAgreement
customData.signature2 Responding signature on IB FreeBalanceActivation

M4 - Intermediary signs AB VirtualAppAgreement and AI FreeBalanceActivation

Field Description
protocol "install-virtual-app"
toXpub initiatorXpub
seq -1
customData.signature Intermediary signature on AB VirtualAppAgreement
customData.signature2 Intermediary signature on AI FreeBalanceActivation

M5 - Initiating signs AI FreeBalanceActivation and AB VirtualApp SetState

Field Description
protocol "install-virtual-app"
toXpub intermediaryXpub
seq -1
customData.signature Initiating signature on AI FreeBalanceActivation
customData.signature2 Initiating signature on AIB TimeLockedPassThrough SetState
customData.signature3 Initiating signature on AB VirtualApp SetState

M6 - Intermediary signs IB FreeBalanceActivation and AB VirtualApp SetState

Note that in this message the intermediary is forwarding the initiator’s signature on the AB VirtualApp SetState commitment.

Field Description
protocol "install-virtual-app"
toXpub responderXpub
seq -1
customData.signature Intermediary signature on IB FreeBalanceActivation
customData.signature2 Intermediary signature on AB VirtualApp SetState
customData.signature3 Initiating signature on AIB TimeLockedPassThrough SetState
customData.signature4 Initiating signature on AB VirtualApp SetState

M7 - Responding signs AB VirtualApp SetState

Field Description
protocol "install-virtual-app"
toXpub intermediaryXpub
seq -1
customData.signature Responding signature on AIB TimeLockedPassThrough SetState
customData.signature2 Responding signature on AB VirtualApp SetState

M8 - Intermediary sends initiator AB VirtualApp SetState

Note that in this message the intermediary is forwarding the responder’s signature on the AB VirtualApp SetState commitment.

Field Description
protocol "install-virtual-app"
toXpub initiatorXpub
seq -1
customData.signature Intermediary signature on AB VirtualApp SetState
customData.signature2 Responding signature on AB VirtualApp SetState
customData.signature3 Responding signature on AIB TimeLockedPassThrough SetState